21StoryMarketing Blog

  • Three major fears storytelling can help business scale-ups defeat.
    Business scale-ups faces enumerable fears that threaten success. The anxiety of losing control or the risk of financial instability is overwhelming. These can knock you off course and suppress your potential. There is a powerful tool that can help navigate these obstacles.
  • The power of business storytelling for start-up success.
    How does a start-up stand out from the crowd? This is the formidable challenge that many start-ups overlook. The one powerful tool every start-up has is business storytelling. Your story is your superpower, it’s yours to tell, so tell it.
  • How the secret of storytelling helps you master the art of persuasion.
    Have you been asked to present a business case for purchasing new piece of software? Want to clearly position your skills and expertise to smash a job interview? We all ‘pitch’ at some point, maybe we just don’t know it.  Here’s the 3-steps I take to master persuasion.
  • 3-reasons you need story-based marketing and why.
    We grew up listening to storytelling which is why story remains a powerful marketing tool used by thousands of organisations to help their message stand out. This is why you need to tell your story so people listen. Read here how and why.
  • Why you deserve a clear brand message.
    The reason why you deserve a clear brand message is key to your business success. Failing to create a clear brand message leaves customers confused what your business does and why they should buy from you. It’s not easy creating your brand message. Here’s how we help..
  • Don’t even think about marketing until you do these three things.
    Just imagine spending your hard-earned marketing budget and wondering why you’re seeing the same disappointing performance? Too many businesses are still wasting valuable money and don’t know why. Don’t even think about marketing until you do this one thing…
  • How Simon Sinek’s ‘Start with Why’ & Storytelling helps your business grow faster.
    How Simon Sinek’s Start With Why and storytelling are a winning combination making you stand out above your competitors. This article shows how the storytelling framework brings your Why to life.
  • Why do we feel compelled to play the hero and not the guide?
    So why do we feel compelled to play the hero and not the guide? Why do we feel the need to list our achievements and play the hero? So why do we then naturally turn to the trusted guide when we need help?
  • Your personal branding is missing something and that’s a problem.
    “So what do you do?” For many of us this question sends us into a blind panic. This article explains how we create an elevator pitch that enhances your personal brand messaging and gets people to ask “Tell me more”.
  • What Is StoryBrand?
    Introduce the age-old tradition of storytelling into the contemporary world of personal & business brand messaging and you have a powerful and compelling methodology how to effectively communicate with fellow humans. So what is StoryBrand?
  • How to communicate so customers listen.
    Noise. eMails. Twitter. Insta. FaceBook. TV. Radio. Spotify. I forgot Zoom, Teams, Work emails. This article is all about how you communicate so that people listen. Be the person we enjoy communicating with and let’s create your brand story.