Clear Brand Message
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Why you deserve a clear brand message.

Why you deserve a clear brand message.

What do we mean by clear brand message?

Marketing that fails to grasp what an organisation does, whether it is for-profit or non-profit, leaves customers confused why they should engage with you.

You’ve searched the internet, landed on a pleasant looking website: nice images, bold h1 strapline, easy navigation, but you haven’t a clue if they can help you.

You read their ‘About Us’ page and skimmed their product pages, but it’s still ambiguous nonsense, designed to sound good, however it’s far from convincing.

And it’s all about them, when it should be about you.

The significance why you deserve a clear brand message underpins your business success and cannot be understated how it attracts the right customers. Without a clear brand message, customers can be left in a state of confusion about what your business offers and the reasons why they should choose your products or services.

We hear some business leaders say :

We’re doing ok, it’s not a priority” or “we already did that brand exercise a few years back“. 

Having the wrong brand message, simply confuses your customers and confuses your teams.

Brand messages become out-dated. The message you deliver now is what your audience reads now.

A brand message is what your internal teams see now and feel across the business now. If your brand message isn’t clear, your business is simply conveying a confusing message to your customers and to your colleagues.

The wrong brand message simply confuses your customers and your teams, leaving them looking elsewhere for a business with a clearer brand message they understand.

The easier it is to understand what your business does, the quicker your customers will buy.


We know it’s not easy to create the right brand message. It’s a real skill. Good business leaders deserve a brand message that tells their story, telling their customers why they should buy from them. 

So what makes a strong brand message?

Let’s break this down:

Clear: Whilst we know what clear means in a brand context, clarity means consistency and the ability to be memorable. 

Brand Message: A brand message clearly explains what the business does and how the products and service helps its customers. 

Don’t confuse. Don’t be overly clever. Don’t complicate

With the continual ‘noise’ of content, an organisation must rise above and stand out. By differentiating yourself, it will be simpler for you to be consistent with your messaging, and easier for your customers to clearly hear you.

This is what we mean by a Clear Brand Message

Here’s a plan to get the clear brand message you deserve

  • Write your Brand Message so it is clear to your audience and helps people understand.
  • Don’t confuse. Don’t be overly clever. Don’t complicate.
  • Avoid wasting any more marketing spend

 If you need help or advise, get in touch today. This brand message will change your business.

James Pogson has been trained as a Story Telling Guide, qualified in effective communication with years of marketing experience..

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