
3-reasons you need story-based marketing and why.

So why do we love story and why do organisations need story-based marketing?

How often do we stop what we’re doing and start listening when we hear someone say: 

“Let me tell you this…”


Just imagine..?”

It’s natural. It’s magical.

Here’s why we love story:

-Story is a powerful tool we grew up listening to.

-It makes us listen when we’re told a good story.

-When we hear a good story, we start to imagine how it makes us feel.

It’s that emotional connection that will get you ahead of your competitors and they won’t know why.

Breaking the mould:

Rethinking how organisations communicate with their customers.

When we create the same old marketing and expect better results, it just doesn’t work. 

If we use overly clever and complicated strap-lines, we confuse our customers.

Impressing customers with complex jargon and industry phrases, and we often end up losing them.

Failing to clearly tell how you help customers and why they should buy from you, sends customers to your competitors.  

When our brains have too much to process, we can’t be expected to listen and remember the important stuff. Especially with the noise from your competitors.

“…63% of us remember stories,

whilst only 5% of us remember numbers.”

Unveiling the power:

3 reasons how to integrate story-based marketing for business success

Stories are about feelings which is why 63% of us remember stories and only 5% remember numbers.

  1. Customers care about your story: Share why your story matters to you, because your story matters to your customers. 
  2. Differentiate: When you’re fighting to win your customer’s attention, story-based marketing makes your customers stop and listen. 
  3. Be memorable: We’re wired to remember stories more effectively than numbers or facts. When customers remember your brand story, they engage with your product and services, to become brand loyal.

As a business when should you start telling your story?

Business launches:

For an entrepreneur. launching a new business is tough. You’re juggling the product, your people, the need to innovate, pricing and the required cash flow.  Not only that, you’re probably a latecomer to a busy market.

Many start-ups assume their customers know their product or service as well they do. This often leads to a failure to explain how you help customers and why they should buy from you

“In the world of entrepreneurial start-ups,

the story is not just told—it is lived…”

When you’re looking for future investment, an investors will ask why? Investors need to believe in the vision and potential of your start-up.

Storytelling provides a clear narrative arc that investors can appraise. It showcases the problem they are solving and market opportunity, with the unique approach.

Whether it’s disrupting an industry or making a positive market impact, a well-crafted narrative creates a roadmap. This narrative is what customers and stakeholders rally behind, with a lasting impression.

In the world of entrepreneurial start-ups, the story is not just told—it is lived. It shapes the destiny of the start-up, defining its place in the business landscape.

Ambitious SMEs scale-ups:

You’ve put your brand to work getting the hard graft done with solid processes, people and rigour in place. It’s time to scale-up and you’re not sure what’s stopping you attracting more customers and converting more business. 

“Effective story-based marketing

clarifies your brand message..”

You need to stand out from your competitors, whilst competing with new entrants looking to steal your market share.

Effective story-based marketing clarifies your brand message. Connecting businesses with your audience reminds customers of your business’s purpose. How you help your customers and why they should buy from you and not your competitors. 

By sharing authentic narratives about your origin, challenges, and victories, businesses create a genuine connection, building trust with your audience.

For SMEs and scale-ups, storytelling is not just a communication strategy; it is the heartbeat that sustains their growth journey. Weaving narratives that captivate, inspire, and resonate, businesses can unlock doors to new opportunities. It fosters genuine connections, and establish a legacy that extends beyond the bottom line. In the world of scaling enterprises, the story is not just a tale—it’s a roadmap to success.”

Enterprises with a new division:

With greater size comes great expectations.

Diversifying new products and services is driven by market saturation with the opportunity for continuous growth. However large the enterprise, every new products and service needs a clear brand message.

“This transparency builds trust and credibility,

essential factors for customer retention and long-term loyalty.”

Nike, Starbucks, AirBNB and Apple invite their customers on aspirational journeys. These big brands are continually looking for ways to attract more customers and win more business. 

Starbucks isn’t just a coffee shop. Their mission is: “inspired and nurtured the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighbourhood at a time.”

AirBNB isn’t just an accommodation provider, it recommends inspirational places to stay. 

Nike tells us to “Just Do It” – the inspiration to achieve.

Apple lead the way with beautiful design innovation and just happen to make laptops, phones, tablets and watches.

Storytelling provides a platform for large enterprises to communicate their values, goals, and the principles guiding their vision. This transparency builds trust and credibility, essential factors for customer retention and long-term loyalty.

Non-Profit Organisations:

Effective storytelling should be a necessity for successful non-profit organisations. It is the heartbeat that sustains their mission and fuel their impact. With emotional resonance, non-profits have the capability to create a profound connection with their audience. It nurtures empathy to understand the transformational journey from hardship to hope, and the contribution to making a positive change.

“With a crowded landscape of causes struggling for attention,

storytelling is the light that cuts through the noise”

Through storytelling, non-profits can vividly illustrate the real-life struggles and triumphs for the individuals they serve. Storytelling enables non-profits to paint a compelling vision, imagining what the future could be with the support of their donors. By presenting a narrative of the possibilities, organisations motivate supporters to become an integral part of the solution.

With a crowded landscape of causes struggling for attention, storytelling is the light that cuts through the noise. It leaves a lasting imprint in the minds and hearts of potential supporters.

As non-profits navigate the dynamic landscape of philanthropy, storytelling is the dynamic tool. It adapts to changing circumstances and conveys the urgency of their mission. Responding to crises or evolving strategies, the narrative remains a constant, ensuring that supporters remain connected throughout the journey.

Whether you’re a profit or non-profit, a clear brand story makes you stand out so your customers listen. And your competition will never know how. 

Stories are the most powerful force in the world; they make you think, make you feel, and make you act.

 If you’d like any help telling your story, feel free to get in touch

We’re here to help. 

James combines years of marketing and sales expertise. And having been trained how to communicate effectively by StoryBrand, is one of the few Certified Guides in Europe.

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